l. EKOPLAGÁT is an international exhibition and contest of posters on the topics of nature conservation and environment connected with a prize competition. It is held once in three years.

2. The mission and main goal of the exhibition is to present, confront and stimulate the production of posters focused on the nature conservation and environment on an international scale. It should increase the knowledge and involvement of the society in solving the problems of environment in the world of today and support the environmental education and ethics. At the same time, the EKOPLAGÁT triennial supports ideological and artistic development of the contemporary applied graphics.

3. The title of the exhibition is EKOPLAGÁT with addition of the year of the edition.

4. The venue of the EKOPLAGÁT triennial is the city of Žilina in the Slovak Republic.

5. The triennial is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the organizer of the exhibition is the Malá Fatra National Park Administration in Varín. The organizer co-operates with artistic institutions, governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as with other national and foreign environmental organizations.

6. For the preparation of the exhibition, the organizer will appoint curator and an Organizing committee headed by its chair or other commissions where necessary.

7. The authors and the teams of authors, who have been invited by the co-organizers of the triennial through artistic, nature conservation governmental, non-governmental and other environmental organizations or individuals through information in relevant communication media, may submit their created posters to the exhibition.

8. Posters sent to the exhibition become the ownership of the organiser, the Malá Fatra National Park Administration in Varín and are not be returned to the authors. The organizer guarantee their documentation and archiving. They also reserve the right to use these posters for other events, their promotion and publish them in publications or other media without any claim for the author’s compensation. The authors can agree/ disagree with public dissemination of the poster’s original or its reproduction by sale or other form of ownership transfer, with the provision that the proceeds from such dissemination will be used for the purposes of nature conservation in Slovakia at the sole discretion of the organizer, primarily for the realisation of the next EKOPLAGÁT triennial and for practical nature conservation activities.

9. Prizes are awarded at the competition in the following order: Grand Prix, lst Prize, 2nd Prize, and 3rd Prize. The Jury appointed by the organizer carries this awarding of the prize. The Jury has a right not to award the prize. The Grand Prix winner has a right to present his /her own collection of posters in the next triennial.

10. The main criterion for awarding prizes is an ideological and artistic level of the evaluated posters.

11. The co-organizers can also organise accompanying events to the contest exhibition.

12. The full details of the contest exhibition will be given in the Competition Rules, which are issued by the organizer for each edition of EKOPLAGÁT separately.

13. All posters included in the contest exhibition EKOPLAGÁT will be published in the Catalogue of works and at other exhibitions within the contest to the extent of: first name, surname, country and year of birth of author (s).